Software update: XFce 4.0

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On the website from XFce we can read that version 4 of this window manager for unix-like has arrived. A lot of useful changes have been made since version 3, the whole list is here here† Who is curious about pictures of the window manager can here justly.

Xfce 4 is a desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and lightweight, while still being visually appealing and easy to use. It is based on the GTK+ toolkit version 2 and aims to adhere to the standards defined on

Xfce 4 consists of a number of components that together provide the full functonality of the desktop environment. The modular design allows you to pick and choose from the available packages to create the best personal working environment[break]The new version of XFce is from Sourceforge pick up

Version number 4.0
Website XFce
License type Freeware
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