Google Chrome gets install button for progressive web apps in URL bar

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Google’s Chrome browser will have an install button for progressive web apps in the URL bar. That happens with version 76, which goes into beta this month and should appear in a stable version at the end of July. The step should make the installation of PWAs easier.

Source: Android Police

A + icon with the text ‘install’ will appear in the URL bar if a site meets the requirements of a progressive web app, Google says. Now in the browser it is not clear that a site supports the installation of a pwa because the install button is hidden behind the menu on the right.

The browser will recognize if the pwa is already on the user’s computer and not show the install button. Sites also have the option of having their own menu appear to encourage the user to install the site as a web app.

The button will appear in Chrome 76, which will be in beta this month and should be available to users on the desktop as a stable version by the end of July. Progressive Web Apps are web apps that work on different platforms and screen sizes and can also be used offline. In addition, PWAs can tap into the functionality of operating systems and, for example, send notifications.

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