Bitcoin Millionaire Says To Donate 5057 Bitcoin To Charity

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An anonymous bitcoin millionaire has set up a fund containing 5057 bitcoins, which currently represent a value of about 73 million euros. The money goes to charities and they can register themselves.

The person who wishes to remain anonymous calls the fund Pineapple Fund, ‘because pineapple is tasty’, according to the explanation on the accompanying website. In a post on reddit, the person says he started using bitcoins a few years ago and saw the value rise from single digit to double digits. One bitcoin is currently worth more than 14,000 euros.

It is not clear how many bitcoins the person has in total. The Pineapple Fund’s 5,057 bitcoins have been placed in a separate bitcoin address and the fund’s transactions are publicly available. To date, four donations have been made. Charities can sign up for a donation through the Pineapple Fund website. They must be registered as a non-profit organization.

“Bitcoin has changed my life and I have more money than I can ever spend. My goals and motivations in life have nothing to do with having millions or being mega rich. That’s why I give most of my bitcoin to good people. goals,” the person explains in his post.

In the post on Reddit, users make suggestions for charities such as The OpenBSD Foundation and, to which the initiator responds positively. However, the person makes it clear that the fund is intended for a range of charities and is not only intended for things related to technology.

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