Software Update: Nextcloud 12.0.11/13.0.6

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Nextcloud has released updates for versions 12 and 13 of their eponymous software. With this program it is possible to run cloud storage in-house. Nextcloud was created after a large number of developers left ownCloud and started over. All components, including the enterprise functionality, are offered as open source and the revenue model is similar to what Red Hat does, which is to provide paid support for large customers. Nextcloud also promises a so-called drop-in replacement, which makes it possible to easily switch from ownCloud to Nextcloud.

In version 13, the user interface has been refreshed, making it more responsive and better looking at high resolutions. Furthermore, ldap has become a lot faster and we see the introduction of Nextcloud Talk, an audio, video and text communication platform. The release notes for this update can be found below.

Improvements in this release

Nextcloud 13.0.6 introduces 20 changes, most of which deal with corner cases that could cause problems in special circumstances.

While few of these will be crippling issues for a majority of users, combined it results in a more reliable, consistent experience that comes with a maturing product.

You can find a full overview of changes in our changelog.

Time to upgrade to 13!

Nextcloud 12.0.11 comes with only 2 changes. As this release becomes used less we urge users to plan an update to Nextcloud 13. This also in light of the upcoming Nextcloud 14 release, which will mark the end of maintenance releases for Nextcloud 12. If you are still on Nextcloud 12 and want to keep your data secure, request access to the Long Term Support Service or Nextcloud GmbH for further security and stability updates.

Stay safe: keep your server up to date!

Minor Nextcloud releases are security and functionality bug fixes, not rewrites of major systems that risk user data! We also do extensive testing, both in our code base and by upgrading a series of real-world systems to the test versions. This that upgrades to minor releases ensures painless and reliable. As the updates not only fix feature issues but also security problems, it is a bad idea to not upgrade!

This is, of course, also true for apps: keeping them updated has security benefits, besides the new features and other bug fixes.

Of course, if you are maintaining a mission-critical Nextcloud system for your enterprise, it is highly recommended that you get yourself some insurance (and job security… who gets blamed if the file handling system isn’t working as expected?). a hotline to the core Nextcloud developers is the best guarantee for reliable service for your users.

Version number 12.0.11/13.0.6
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, iOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Nextcloud
License type GPL
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