Clubhouse comes with option to partially shield profile

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Clubhouse comes with Protected Profiles, a function to protect part of the profile from other users. Only followers of a user then still have full access to, among other things, in which Rooms a user has participated.

A profile becomes less visible on Clubhouse with the setting on, says the company. In addition, Clubhouse will no longer provide the profile as a follow-up suggestion. In addition, other users who look up the profile can see much less. Name, username, photo and bio will remain available to all users with the setting, other data is only visible to followers.

Clubhouse says it is taking the step in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The move should protect Russian users who speak out against the war their own government has started. That is a punishable offense in Russia with a high prison sentence as a result.

The ‘Replay’ function is turned off by default in Russia and Ukraine, so that conversations cannot be played back. Despite this, Clubhouse warns that conversations can be recorded in other ways and that users should be careful who they contact and what they say. Clubhouse is a way to have live audio conversations with others in Rooms. Those Rooms usually have a theme to indicate what the conversation is about.

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