Apple Introduces Support for Unlisted Apps in App Store

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Apple will make it possible to put unlisted apps in the App Store. These can then only be found and installed for people who have the link to the app. This is a godsend for organizations that want to publish a semi-private app.

However, not every developer can just offer an unlisted app. Apple has prepared an application form for this, which probably means that the apps are manually approved by the company. Apple is a bit unclear as to exactly who the feature is intended for, but according to its unlisted distribution request form, the feature is intended for apps designed for a “limited audience,” such as for employees, events, or surveys.

Apple underlines that the feature is not intended for betas and pre-release software; that’s what the existing TestFlight program is for. Ars Technica noticed all this, among others. Google has already had programs for unlisted apps on its Play platform for some time. Limited test versions are also supported there.

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