Ubisoft opens beta of battleroyal game Hyper Scape to all PC gamers

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Ubisoft has opened the Hyper Scape beta to all PC gamers. Previously, the beta could only be played by invitation. The battleroyal game can be downloaded via uPlay. Console versions are also coming, but no beta is available.

For playing the beta version of Hyper Scape A Ubisoft account is required and participation is free. Ubisoft announced the game in early July; then there was also a beta, but players could only participate by watching Twitch streams for the chance to win an invite.

Hyper Scape is a futuristic battleroyal game set in a virtual city called Neo Arcadia. The free-to-play game is being developed by Ubisoft Montreal, the studio also responsible for Rainbow Six Siege.

In the battleroyal game, 100 players compete against each other in teams of three players. Ubisoft has made a number of changes to the concept to differentiate the game from competitors. Jars end with a capture the flagmode, where teams can win by getting the flag and protecting for 45 seconds. It remains possible to win by eliminating all opponents.

Hyper Scape also has integration with Twitch via Ubisoft’s Crowncast extension. Players who watch sessions of the game on the streaming website can vote for events, which then take place directly in the game. Viewers thus influence the gameplay by adjusting parameters such as Low Gravity, Extra Jump, Supply Crate Spawns, Infinite Ammo, Health Kit, Reveal and Cooldown Accelerator.

Ubisoft says Hyper Scape will be released later this year. For now there is only a PC version, but with the final release the game will also appear for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. Hyper Scape is Ubisoft’s first major battleroyal game. The game takes on competitors such as Apex Legends, Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone and PUBG.

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