Ubisoft announces more information about Assassins Creed 2

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Publisher Ubisoft has released details about Assassins Creed 2 via the American magazine Game Informer. The magazine will not be available until next week, but the content of the article about the new action game has already been leaked.

Assassins Creed 2 is set in 15th century Italy, to be precise in 1476. The player takes on the role of an ancestor of Desmond again, just like Altair from Assassins Creed was, so reports Computer and Video games based on the leaked information. This time it revolves around Ezio, who will commit his murders at least in Venice and Florence. Famous places such as the Basilica of San Marco, the Grand Canal and the Rialto Bridge are present. The cities will have taller buildings than the cities in the first part and Ezio will be able to use more different hiding places, from which he can also directly kill guards. The Tuscan countryside will also be featured in the game, although Ubisoft indicates that no large areas of void have to be crossed, where that was still the case in Assassins Creed.

The Assassins Creed 2 story will once again have two sides. While in fifteenth century Italy there will be strife between families, with all its consequences, the overarching story of the battle between the Assassins and the Templars also continues. The main character Ezio embarks in the game on a mission to learn to become an Assassin. Famous figures from the era, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Machiavelli, will also play a role in the game.

In the gameplay, Ubisoft has also made the necessary changes. In the first place, the mission structure has been adjusted. In Assassins Creed, the player always followed the same route on the way to a new murder, but that will be different in part two. The mission structure is more dynamic and brings more variety. There will also be optional missions that allow Ezio to lower his notoriety in order to be less bothered by guards. The enemies Ezio encounters are more varied than in part one. In addition, Ezio can use more weapons than Altair in the first part, which should provide more variety in combat.

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