Download AdwCleaner 8.0.0

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Malwarebytes has released AdwCleaner version 8.0. This program is intended to remove malware, such as toolbars that are added to web browsers and so-called hijackers, which modify the homepage and search engine, among other things. Support is available for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. After the scan has been performed, you can decide for yourself what should be removed. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:


  • Following the release of MB4, the in-app installer now installs Malwarebytes 4.
  • Always download the very latest Malwarebytes build
  • Update Qt to 5.13 branch
  • Upgrade the build toolchain to Visual Studio 2017
  • Update OpenSSL
  • No longer force the generation of the debug log file
  • Support again the very latest versions of the Chrome Browser and allow for proper remediation
  • Temporarily disable Firefox scanning and remediation – will be added back in the upcoming release
  • Update translations
  • Update definitions to 2019.11.20.1
  • Completely drop support for Windows XP and Vista.

Bug fixes

  • Crash when the UI is displayed in Arabic
  • Make the uninstallation process more robust and less likely to leave traces behind
  • Make the quarantine process more stable and less susceptible to corruption

Version number 8.0.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Malwarebytes
File size 7.84MB
License type Freeware
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