Samsung prohibits employees from using ChatGPT on work equipment

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Samsung has banned employees from using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools on work equipment. The company is afraid that employees may leak internal company information through the tools.

Why ban ChatGPT

Samsung sees a security risk in ChatGPT and similar tools, the company confirms to Bloomberg. While using those tools, employees may enter internal information, which then ends up in the hands of other companies. This can happen, among other things, while having code written or summarizing documents.

Instead, Samsung is now working on an in-house generative AI that can perform such functions. Until then, the use of generative AI on work equipment is prohibited, and the punishment can range from ‘disciplinary action’ to dismissal.

According to a memo seen by Bloomberg, internal source code of Samsung software was leaked because employees used ChatGPT. Samsung is not the first company to ban the internal use of generative AI, but as far as we know it is the first major tech company.

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