‘Popular Kodi add-on contained code to run ddos’

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A popular Kodi add-on called Exodus contained code that could perform a ddos ​​attack on various targets. According to the developer of the add-on, it was a measure to protect himself from people who wanted to harm him.

The developer, known as Lambda, has since released an apology saying he is quitting work on Exodus, TorrentFreak noted. He goes on to say that his add-on code was used by others without mentioning his name and that he received strange messages from unknown persons. Due to the stress, he would then have made a wrong decision and added the rules. However, the code was discovered, prompting a discussion on the TVAddons forum.

The code, which frequently connected to various sites, has since been removed from the add-on with version 3.0.5, a representative of the site told TorrentFreak. After the site determined the presence of the rules in the add-on, the developer’s repository was blocked. The development of the add-on is handled by TVAddons with permission from Lambda. The developer wants to continue working on other projects.

Exodus is an add-on to the media player software Kodi that allows you to stream content from various sources. These are not legal in all cases. TorrentFreak notes that the add-on’s developer had already made the removal feature optional with a feature called ‘anonymous protection’.

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