Meta blocked over a thousand unique links with ChatGPT malware since March

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Since last March, Meta has found 10 “malware families” and blocked more than 1,000 unique malware links on its platforms that use ChatGPT and similar AI tools as bait, the company said in a report.

The malware families posed in official app stores as ChatGPT browser extensions and mobile apps, among others, reveals meta in its quarterly Security Reports. In some cases, they contain real ChatGPT functionalities in addition to malware, according to the tech giant’s research team. Meta’s chief information security officer, Guy Rosen, says during a press conference about the report that “ChatGPT is the new crypto for malicious parties” and expects the use of generative AI for abuse to increase significantly in the near future. writes Reuters. Meta has removed the links posted on its platforms, and reported the browser extensions and apps found to the administrators of the app stores where they are distributed.

According to meta companies in particular often fall victim to such malware. Malicious people then initially target personal accounts that are affiliated with companies in order to gain access to the company account. For that reason, Meta says it will release special ‘Meta Work’ accounts later this year. This makes it possible to log into company accounts and use Facebook’s Business Manager tools without the need for a personal account. That way, the company accounts cannot be taken over if a personal account is hacked.

In addition, the company is working on a tool that helps users identify malware and guides them step-by-step through the process of removing the malware. Third-party antivirus tools are also recommended, says Meta. The tool will be standalone, so that it can also be used outside Meta’s platforms.

An example of malware that was offered under the guise of a ChatGPT browser extension on the official Chrome app store.

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