Google is working on a fix for Android 5.0 memory problems

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Google has confirmed that there is a problem in Android 5.0 that causes the operating system to consume too much RAM. As a result, users are faced with applications that close themselves or even crash.

There has been a discussion topic about the memory problems on the Google forums for some time now. The internet giant has now given the problem the status ‘FutureRelease’, indicating that it will repair the problems. The cause of the problems has already been traced, but it is not yet clear when the fix will be released.

The problem is present in Android 5.0, but seems to occur mainly in users who have upgraded their device to version 5.0.1. For the time being, this version of the mobile OS mainly runs on Nexus devices that are provided with software by Google itself. Users report that the operating system uses a lot of RAM. The memory leak causes open applications to be allocated less space.

As a result, open applications quickly shut down because there isn’t enough free memory to keep them running in the background. Users also report crashing applications. Uploaded data shows that in many cases the Android system uses more than 1GB of ram, while normally it is less than half.

Android 5.0.1 was intended to bring a number of bug fixes to the OS introduced with the release of version 5. In Android 5.0, Google introduced a new design and several under-the-hood improvements. Rumor has it that version 5.1 is already being worked on, which should be released in a few months. There will probably be an interim update first to fix the memory problems.

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