Destroy All Humans! coming this summer for the Nintendo Switch

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Destroy All Humans will be released on June 29! for the Nintendo Switch, publisher THQ Nordic announced. The two special editions of the humorous open world shooter will also come to the console.

The standard Switch version of Destroy All Humans! includes all created skins bundled in the Skin Pack DLC when released on June 29. That standard version of the game for the Switch will cost 40 euros. In addition, two pricey special editions will be released. With the Crypto-137 Edition, the buyer receives a figurine, backpack, keychain, six lithographs and an anti-stress toy for 400 euros. With the DNA Collector’s Edition of 150 euros, THQ Nordic provides, among other things, a Crypto’N’Cow figurine, keychain and lithographs, but no backpack.

It’s about the remake of Destroy All Humans! from 2005, created by developer Black Forest. The remake was released last year for Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Stadia. In the game, the alien Crypto-137 tries to collect DNA from humans. He can read people’s minds, pulverize them with his alien weapons and destroy cities with the Death Ray from his flying saucer. Set in 1950s United States, the game is inspired by and a parody of sci-fi movies of the era.

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