Netflix lets users set quality video on mobile themselves

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Netflix announces that users can now choose the video quality in which they want to watch content when using a mobile data connection. The new default setting is about 600kbit/s, the same setting that was previously the limit.

In a drop-down menu, users can indicate which quality setting they want to use. The setting of 600kbit/s means that approximately three hours of video can be watched per GB of data. The lowest setting allows users to view 4 hours per GB and the highest allows 1 hour per GB. In addition, there is the option to choose ‘unlimited’, with Netflix warning that this is only recommended in combination with a subscription without a data limit.

Netflix itself says it sees many differences in the way users worldwide stream video on mobile devices. That’s why the company would now like to offer a choice that allows users to exercise more control. In addition, the company says that current bitrates may change in the future.

At the end of March, it was announced that Netflix limited the maximum bitrate of videos on mobile devices to 600kbit/s. This decision motivated the company by stating that it was looking for a balance, whereby good video quality could be combined with the prevention of high costs due to data consumption. Then the company announced that there would be an option that allows Netflix users to make their own choice for quality.

The new bitrate selection menu

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