Valve Adds FPS Counter to Steam Client Beta

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Valve added an fps counter in the latest update for the beta client of Steam. Furthermore, the online games platform announced that the record for the number of users active on Steam at the same time has been broken, and now stands at more than 8.5 million users.

Valve rolled out its most recent update to the Steam Beta Client on Friday, in which the addition of a frames-per-second counter is the main feature. The update was further aimed at improving and optimizing various parts of the client. The fps counter works through the Steam Overlay. That means that the counter is not usable with games that use AMD API Mantle. Steam Overlay currently only works with DirectX and OpenGL.

The rollout of the new update isn’t the only news that Steam announced. The service also reports that a new record has been set in the number of users who are simultaneously active on the games platform. On January 1, that number passed the 8.4 million people, while on January 4 the barrier of 8.5 million users was broken, according to the stats page that Steam itself maintains.

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