Software Update: Node.js 12.7.0

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Node.js is open source and platform independent, and is focused on developing server-side web applications. Those applications are written in JavaScript and run within the Node.js runtime on the server. It offers an event-driven environment where non-blocking I/O has been an important starting point. For more information, please refer to this page. The development team has released version 12.7.0 in the current branch. The list of important changes looks like this:

Node v12.7.0 (Current) – Notable changes

  • deps:
    • Updated nghttp2 to 1.39.1 (gengjiawen) #28448.
    • Updated npm to 6.10.0 (isaacs) #28525.
  • esm:
    • Implemented experimental “pkg-exports” proposal. A new “exports” field can be added to a module’s package.json file to provide custom subpath aliasing. See proposal-pkg-exports for more information (Guy Bedford) #28568.
  • http:
    • Added response.writableFinished (Robert Nagy) #28681.
    • Exposed headers, rawHeaders and other fields on an http.ClientRequest “information” event (Austin Wright) #28459.
  • inspector:
    • Added inspector.waitForDebugger() (Aleksei Koziatinskii) #28453.
  • policy:
    • Added –policy-integrity=sri CLI option to mitigate policy tampering. If a policy integrity is specified and the policy does not have that integrity, Node.js will error prior to running any code (Bradley Farias) #28734.
  • readline,tty:
    • Exposed stream API from various methods which write characters (cjihrig) #28674, #28721.
  • src:
    • Use cgroups to get memory limits. This improves the way we set the memory ceiling for a Node.js process. Previously we would use the physical memory size to estimate the necessary V8 heap sizes. The physical memory size is not necessarily the correct limit, eg if the process is running inside a docker container or is otherwise constrained. This change adds the ability to get a memory limit set by linux cgroups, which is used by docker containers to set resource constraints (Kelvin Jin) #27508.

Version number 12.7.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Website node.js
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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