Download Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile

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After Ivanti acquired MobileIron at the end of 2020, MobileIron Core was renamed to Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile. The software still focuses on MDM, managing devices, and Mom, managing applications on these devices. Nowadays you can also place this under enterprise mobility management, emm for short. In addition, it can be combined with other products to extend its functionality, such as Sentry for secure data transfer and the Secure Workspace apps with, inter alia Help@Work, which, for example, allows a help desk to remotely view the screen of an iOS or Android device. Ivanti has released version of its EPMM with the following changes:

Ivanti EPMM – New features summary

General features

  • New edit option for Safari Domains on Windows integrated touch devices: You can now edit Safari Domains information, such as domain name and description, in the Edit VPN Setting window from the Windows UI touch screen. For more information, see “Managing VPN Settings” in the Ivanti EPMM Device Management Guide for your OS.

Android features

  • There are no new Android features for this release.

iOS and macOS features

  • Increased maximum length of the Service Token field: The Service Token field now accepts tokens of lengths up to 1024 characters. For more information, see: Linking Ivanti EPMM to an Apple licensed account in the Ivanti EPMM Apps@Work Guide, and Importing licensed apps from an Apple licensed account in the Ivanti EPMM Apps@Work Guide.

Windows features

  • There are no new Windows features for this release.

Ivanti EPMM Resolved issues

  • VSP-69744: In previous releases, after upgrading to Ivanti EPMM, LDAP user search failed if multiple LDAP servers were configured in Ivanti EPMM. In this release, LDAP user search functions correctly even if there are multiple LDAP servers configured in Ivanti EPMM.

Ivanti EPMM Known issues

  • VSP-69747: Duplicate IMEI2 columns are displayed in CSV data when you use the Export to CSV function.
    Workaround: None.

Version number
Release status Final
Website Ivanti
License type Paid
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