Screenshots show Twitter feature to share tweets only with certain followers

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Screenshots show a feature Twitter is working on to share tweets only with certain followers. Until now, Twitter users can only restrict who can reply to a particular tweet, but not who can see it.

Twitter calls the function Flock for the time being, InputMag reports, although that name can still change. Users can designate up to 150 followers as part of their Flock. Those users do not see whether or not they are in the Flock. It is visible if tweets are only visible because they have been added to a Flock, according to the screenshots that developer Alessandro Paluzzi found

The feature is similar to what Instagram does with Close Friends, what Facebook has had as a feature for some time and what other social networks had built in before. Twitter had already announced a feature like Flock as Trusted Friends last summer. It is not yet known when the feature will be available to all users.

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