Opera brings bookmarks back to desktop browser

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Opera has made a comeback in the last developer release of the browser of the same name. Until now, recent Opera versions only offer the option to manage favorites via speed dials.

The Opera Desktop Team describes the return of bookmarks in Opera Developer 25 in a blog post. It is possible to call up a bar in which all bookmarks are grouped and favorites can be arranged in a traditional folder structure. When the user clicks on the heart icon in the address bar, the browser creates a bookmark. Opera also automatically generates a thumbnail of the website in question.

Opera still had bookmarks in older versions, but since the Norwegian browser builder switched from its own engine to WebKit, the Opera browser only contained ‘speed dials’. These will be maintained, but users will also have access to the regular bookmark functionality that can be found in almost all other browsers.

Opera Developer 25 also includes less visible updates. For example, hidpi is better supported, so that screens with a high resolution are better used. The display of mp3 and h.264 media files has also been tinkered with.

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