Mozilla lets users test experimental Firefox features via add-on

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Mozilla has released an add-on for Firefox that allows users to test experimental features. The ‘Test Pilot’ program now consists of a function to move tabs to the left, Universal Search and an Activity Stream.

A Firefox account is required to participate in the test program. Then the Test Pilot add-on can be added to the browser. This adds a new button in the toolbar, from which the experimental features can be accessed. Currently there are three functions available, which can be switched on and off at any time.

Enabling Tab Center moves the tabs to a vertical bar on the left side of the window. A narrow strip is displayed, which unfolds when the mouse cursor is moved over the bar. With Activity Stream enabled, when you open a new tab or browser window, a list of recent activity appears. Bookmarks, frequently visited websites and a number of ‘highlights’ are also displayed. The timeline can also be accessed by clicking on the timeline icon in the toolbar. The third function, Universal Search, ensures that suggestions are displayed as soon as something is entered in the url bar. Firefox then displays a list of search results as well as recent history and bookmarks. Previously visited websites are more clearly indicated as a search suggestion.

Whether Mozilla plans to actually put the experimental features in a release version of Firefox is not yet clear. The organization wants to collect feedback with the test program. The developers emphasize that this is a test and that bugs may occur.

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