MeSince – Automated end-to-end encrypted email client

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MeSince is a free email client APP with an encrypting certificate and signing certificate for free.  MeSince supports higher-level identity validation with V2/V3/V4 identity certificate automation. This email client, lets every email be encrypted to eliminate email lea and lets every email has an identity to eliminate email fraud.

MeSince APP only requires TWO permissions, one is the device ID that used for encrypting your account info to guarantee this encrypted data only be able to be used in your device. The second is storage, we need this permission to store your email.
Here’s what you’ll love about MeSince:
– Get a free email encryption certificate and signing certificate from CA automatically;
– Install and configure the email certificate automatically;
– Exchange of public key certificate automatically;
– Encrypt all outgoing email automatically;- Digitally sign all outgoing email automatically;
– Add time stamp to all outgoing email automatically;
– Decrypt all incoming encrypted email automatically;
– Validate all incoming signed email automatically to identify fraud email;
– Renew the expired certificate automatically;
– Retrieve and install the same encrypting certificate automatically once you use a new device;
– Configure the mail server setting automatically for most email account;
– Not only ‘write’ email, but also “Say” email as voice and video encrypted message;
– Email attachments and hyperlinks security cloud scanning and SPAM cloud identification;
Click HERE to visit the website. Click HERE to install from PlayStore. Click HERE to install from AppStore.


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