Facebook is testing iOS feature that searches for free Wi-Fi hotspots

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Facebook is testing a feature that will show nearby hotspots that offer free Wi-Fi. For now, the new functionality only seems to work for some iOS users, but it’s likely that an Android version is also being worked on.

The Next Web was the first to notice that Facebook is testing the new Wi-Fi feature. According to the site, the functionality for finding free Wi-Fi hotspots has appeared among iOS users, although it is also clear that it is not for everyone. Because Facebook itself has not yet made clear, it is not known how widespread the rollout is. Users who already have the feature will see a pop-up at the top of their screen to turn on the WiFi scanner.

With the Wi-Fi search function it is possible to get a list of free Wi-Fi hotspots that are located in the vicinity of the user. It is also possible to display the Wi-Fi hotspots on the map, also showing their provider and any opening times.

Probably wifi database is based on information provided by Facebook pages of companies and institutions. Some time ago, the social networking site started asking page administrators to indicate whether they offer Wi-Fi, notes The Next Web.

Because the functionality has been rolled out to a limited extent, and only appears to be accessible on iOS, Facebook is probably still in a test phase. It is not clear when this should be completed, but it is likely that compatibility for Android is also being worked on.

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