Detroit: Become Human coming later this year for Windows via Epic Games Store

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The French Quantic Dream is releasing Detroit: Become Human and its previous games Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain for Windows. For the first year, the games will only be available on the Epic Games Store.

The announcement of the release of the three PlayStation games for Windows follows two months after the announcement that Quantic Dream is no longer making exclusive games for Sony’s console. That decision came after an investment by the Chinese NetEase.

Quantic Dream announced at the Game Developer Conference that the games will be released later this year and Epic has already put a page online of Detroit:Becom Human. Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain are now also included.

Detroit was released last year as a PS4 exclusive, while Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain both came out as PS3 games and were later ported to PS4. Quantic Dream has been making games exclusively for PlayStation since 2006, but has been around since 1999.

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