Defense recruited at Defcon

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Representatives of the US Department of Defense have been trying to recruit employees at the hackers conference Defcon. This annual conference brings together specialists and those interested in security matters. The defense employees tried to win over souls with slogans such as: “if you want to be part of the truly great issues of our time” and there were free t-shirts to be won. For this, a defense employee who was present undercover had to be exposed. However, the Ministry of Defense only wants to hire interested parties if they behave responsibly and do not break into systems without permission.

The government has had a relationship with the hacker world for some time, the defense employees have been present at Defcon since 1992 and now represent almost half of the public. However, they may not be present at everything. There is also the opportunity for them to learn and to keep abreast of new developments. In 2001, tensions ran high when Dmitri Skylarov was arrested at Defcon. The character of the conference has not changed due to the presence of the government, the hacking of systems is still hot.

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