Valve releases update to combat bot problem in Team Fortress 2

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Valve has made several improvements in Team Fortress 2. The game has been struggling with a bot problem for quite some time. That is why, among other things, the voting system has been adjusted, where players can vote for bots from the game sessions more quickly.

A month ago, Valve promised it would be working on improvements for Team Fortress 2 after players raised awareness about the state of the game through an online protest. Bots are massively flooding Team Fortress 2’s servers, causing nuisance with spam messages, crashes, cheating with superhuman gaming abilities, and erroneously removing players from gaming sessions.

Valve has the promised update released tuesday† This should partially solve the bots and cheating issues. This allows the two teams to start a votekick at the same time in a match. This allows bots and cheaters to be voted out of the game session faster. Several exploits have also been removed, including one that erased the in-game text chat.

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