Netflix lets Android users watch partially downloaded series offline

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Netflix comes with a new feature that lets Android users watch partially downloaded movies and series offline. Previously, this was only possible if such an episode or movie had been downloaded in its entirety. The feature will be available for iOS at a later date.

Netflix announces the feature on its website. According to Netflix, the new function should prevent users from finding out, for example, during a long flight or journey that the download of a movie or series is never completely completed. With the feature, users can still view the downloaded part of this.

“Once you have a strong enough connection again, you can choose to complete the download and move on to avoid surprise notifications that you’ve gone over your data limit,” the company wrote in its blog post. The feature is currently rolling out for Android smartphones and tablets. Netflix will begin testing the feature on iOS “in the coming months.” The Verge writes that the iOS version of Netflix will also get the Downloads For You feature ‘soon’.

Source: Netflix

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