Mega promises to come with video chat service in the browser soon

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Web storage service Mega founder and former MegaUpload foreman Kim Dotcom announced on Twitter that his company will soon be releasing a chat and video calling service. The service encrypts all traffic and works in the browser, Dotcom says.

The service is called MegaChat, Dotcom has tweeted announced. In addition to chatting and video calling, it will be possible to send files with the service at high speed, claims Dotcom.

For now, Megachat works entirely from the browser and encrypts the traffic. Many more details about the service are not yet known. Dotcom gained notoriety for its file share service MegaUpload and is also the creator of Dropbox competitor Mega, which allows users to store files online.

MegaChat has already been used in a video link with Wikileaks foreman Julian Assange and whistleblower Edward Snowden during an event in September, according to Dotcom. Then Dotcom said nothing about the organization using his service to connect with Assange, among others. Also, there are no images or further details of Megachat yet.

Screenshot of Megachat connection to Assange at The Moment of Truth event in September

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