Instagram will warn users before accounts are deleted

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Instagram will now warn users if their account is about to be deleted. The company will adjust its policy accordingly. The social network will also block accounts faster if they commit multiple violations.

Instagram is changing its terms and conditions to make it easier to delete accounts that often go overboard. The company has been trying to take measures against accounts that violate the rules for some time. With the new rules, accounts can also be blocked if they commit multiple violations in a certain period of time. Previously, this only happened if a percentage of all posts were against the rules.

Users who commit multiple violations will receive a warning sooner if their account is about to be deleted. This is happening with new forms of notifications, in which users can also directly appeal against a decision by Instagram. Those notifications come after, for example, posting pornographic material or bullying. Initially, these new rules for raising objections mainly apply to deleted posts, but in the future this may also apply to accounts that have already been deleted or are about to be deleted.

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