Facebook makes dashboard with timer available for use

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Facebook has released its ‘Your Time On Facebook’ dashboard. The tool provides insight into the amount of time users spend on the social network. They can set a limit, where they only receive a notification when it has been reached.

Facebook announced the arrival of the dashboard in early August, with the company saying it would be available “soon” in the app. That finally happened on Tuesday, TechCrunch writes after a notification on Twitter. The tool shows the amount of minutes a user spends on the social network during the different days of the week, in addition to the average number of minutes during the week.

Users can set how many minutes they actually want to spend on Facebook per day. The app will send a reminder when that number is reached. Users can ignore that reminder. Users also do not get insight into how much time they spend on which parts of Facebook. Last week, Instagram made its similar activity tracking tool available.

More and more tech companies are offering tools to help users manage the time they spend on their services, following criticisms of the addiction susceptibility of many services. For example, Apple’s iOS 12 has Screen Time and Google provides Android with a Digital Wellbeing dashboard.

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