EA to announce changes to Battlefront II ‘progression system’ in March

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EA and DICE promise to announce more in March about the changes to the Star Wars: Battlefront II progression system they are working on. According to EA, many criticisms have been incorporated in the changes to the progress system.

EA and DICE speak of “significant changes” that address many of the things players have been asking for. However, the publisher has not released anything about the changes yet. EA does report that the game mode Jetpack Cargo will be released in February, in which two teams of eight players with jetpacks compete against each other. This mode is only available for a limited time. A new Season with content will be coming soon. The first Season revolved around The Last Jedi and added the characters Finn and Phasma and the map Crait.

Immediately upon the introduction of Battlefront II, in mid-November last year, EA disabled microtransactions. There was a storm of criticism on the internet about the system with in-game transactions and loot boxes, because of its pay-to-win possibilities. Players could pay money to purchase Crystals in Star Wars: Battlefront II. This allowed them to buy Loot Crates with items to make characters stronger and gain bonuses to obtain Heroes that have not yet been unlocked. EA said at the time that the deactivation was temporary and that the “progression system” would return in a different form.

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