Amazon installs AI cameras in delivery vans in the UK

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Amazon now uses cameras in delivery vans in the United Kingdom. The cameras use artificial intelligence to check whether drivers are driving safely and are not committing any traffic violations.

Amazon vans are equipped with two cameras; one for inside the delivery van and one for outside, so reports The Telegraph† When the artificial intelligence detects unsafe or illegal driving, the drivers are notified. Among other things, braking hard, speeding and distracted driving could be picked up by the cameras. When the van is turned off, the cameras also stop filming immediately.

The principle is already being applied in the United States. There would be almost 50 percent fewer accidents involving an Amazon van. According to Amazon, drivers are also 60 percent less likely to drive without a seat belt, while distracted driving decreased by 75 percent.

“The purpose of this technology is to ensure the safety of drivers and communities, there is no other reason behind it,” Amazon told the medium. “We initially conducted extensive research into the data and privacy implications [van de techniek] in accordance with applicable laws.”

Critics such as privacy watchdog Big Brother Watch say Amazon’s move is “excessive” and “scary.” In addition to potential privacy issues, the cameras could also demoralize and distract employees. Previously discovered Vice that employees might be wrongly pointed out in the United States, which can actually cause distraction. It’s not clear whether Amazon has made improvements to its artificial intelligence in the meantime.

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