Twitter will no longer give free access to API from next week

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Social media company Twitter will no longer give third parties free access to the API from next week. Instead, developers can only access the service’s API for a fee. Third party clients have stopped working for weeks.

Twitter’s developer account says that it will block free access to v1.1 and v2 of its api starting next week. Instead, there will be basic paid access to the API through a subscription. The details of this are not disclosed by the company.

The Twitter API was used for third-party clients in recent years, but Twitter banned that use last month. Students and scientists, among others, also use the API for research based on large numbers of tweets. Developers also use the API for bots that provide status updates or weather information, among other things.

The move seems to be prompted by Twitter’s new policy to focus more on paying for use. Since the takeover by Elon Musk, Twitter has also focused more on subscriptions for regular users.

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