Sony will end Ustream on PlayStation 4 on August 1

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Starting August 1, PlayStation 4 owners will no longer be able to livestream their gameplay via Ustream. Sony has announced that it will stop working with the service from that date. Streaming remains possible via Twitch, YouTube and dailymotion.

Sony gives no reason for the discontinuation of Ustream support. The news was announced in a short announcement on the support website. In addition to streaming gameplay, as of August 1, it will no longer be possible to view Ustream feeds from others via the PlayStation App, PS4 and Vita.

The termination of the collaboration between Sony and Ustream may have to do with the acquisition of the streaming service by IBM at the beginning of this year. IBM said at the time that it wanted to use the service for its business customers.

It is unknown how many people used Ustream broadcasting on PS4. Presumably, more use is made of Twitch, which has grown into the largest game streaming platform in recent years.

BusinessdailymotionGameplayIBMNewsPlaystationPlaystation 4PS4SonyStreamingTwitchYoutube