Sony: ‘Gaikai isn’t just for gaming’

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Andrew House, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, says his company doesn’t just want to use the technology from the acquired Gaikai for streaming games. It is not clear, however, what the technology will be used for.

According to House, it “definitely fits in with Sony Computer Entertainment’s goal” to use Gaikai’s technology for products other than game consoles, he said in the Wall Street Journal. “Sony recognizes that cloud and cloud streaming technologies will have a profound impact not only on the gaming business, but also on the way our customers obtain and use content.”

The director of Sony Computer Entertainment, the branch of Sony that includes game consoles, does not clarify what Sony wants to use the technology for, but a combination with television seems obvious. Gaikai has already signed a partnership with Samsung for this. What will happen to that deal now that Gaikai is in the hands of a competing TV producer is unclear. Furthermore, Sony could use the Gaikai techniques to stream games to its tablets, the PlayStation Vita and smartphones. Companies such as Samsung do not have to fear immediately. House states in the interview that Sony wants Gaikai to continue to operate as an independent company.

House announced earlier this week that his company has acquired American company Gaikai for $380 million. Rumors of a deal had been circulating for some time. The acquisition still has to be approved. The question is what Microsoft is doing now that Sony Gaikai has its hands. For now, Microsoft does not seem to be planning to acquire Gaikai’s competitor OnLive. It is estimated that the manufacturer of the Xbox 360 develops similar technology itself.

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