Sony allows PlayStation 5 users to record voice chat and submit it for moderation

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PlayStation 5 users can record conversations in the Party function and send them to Sony for moderation. By participating in voice chats, users agree that those conversations can be recorded.

Image via Mini on Twitter

PlayStation users will be notified when they enter a party whose voice calls can be recorded. The notification states that ‘conversations may be recorded for review’. According to Sony, only PlayStation 5 users can make recordings to send for review.

If PlayStation 4 users are in a Party together with PlayStation 5 owners, the PS4 owners will also see that notification. They cannot make and send recordings, but their contributions to the voice chat can be recorded.

This week, PlayStation 4 users were already seeing the pop-up notification about call recording after installing system software 8.00. Several users reported this on Twitter, writes The Verge. Sony then clarified that the feature is not yet active and that only PlayStation 5 owners can make the recordings.

Users are intended to submit the conversations if they believe someone is violating Community Guidelines. Sony will then assess the recordings and can then take measures. According to Sony, the footage is only used for ‘safety measures’ by the PlayStation Safety team.

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