Download Nero CD-DVD Speed ​​4.01

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Version 4.01 of Nero CD-DVD Speed ​​can be downloaded from the CD Speed ​​2000 website. This program is able to test the main properties of a CD and DVD disc. For example, the transfer rate, search and access time and CPU usage can be measured. In addition, this program allows the drive to be configured. For example, the maximum speed can be turned down for a less noisy player and the spinup and spindown times can be tweaked. The changelog of this release shows the following changes:


  • Write Transfer Rate Test: DVD-RAM can be burned without verification
  • Erase: added support for DVD-RAM
  • Small improvements and bug fixes


Version number 4.01
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website CD speed 2000
License type Freeware
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