Download Miranda IM 0.8.0 Preview Release 2

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Miranda IM is an open source instant messaging program for Windows and can use ICQ, IRC, MSN, AIM, Jabber and Yahoo networks by default. The functionality and appearance of the program are with a mountain addons and plugins completely customizable to your liking. The developers are busy preparing version 0.8.0 and have therefore released the second preview release. The abbreviated announcement looks like this:

Miranda IM v0.8.0 Preview Release #2 []

We are pleased to introduce Miranda IM v0.8 Preview Release 2. This release fixes a critical bug in file transfers that was introduced in preview release 1. Please continue testing this release and provide your feedback.

Please direct bug reports to the bug tracker.

Download (Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7):
[Installer] [Zip] [Contrib] [Debug Symbols]

Download (Windows 95, 98, ME):
[Installer] [Zip] [Contrib] [Debug Symbols]

Build Discussion

Miranda IM v0.8.0 Preview Release #1 []

We are pleased to introduce Miranda IM v0.8 Preview Release 1. The alpha testing cycle is now over and we are working towards releasing 0.8. Because of the numerous changes in 0.8 from 0.7, it is recommended that you backup your profile and related plugins. As usual, please report any bugs you find.

Version number 0.8.0 Preview Release 2
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Website Miranda IM
License type GPL
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