Download MariaDB 10.2.19

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MariaDB originated as a fork of MySQL, after it was acquired by Oracle in 2009-2010. For an overview of the differences between MariaDB and MySQL you can visit: this one and this one pages right. MariaDB is a powerful open source database server, which is especially popular as a website and forum database. The developers have released version 10.2.19. The first stable from the 10.2.x branch dates from May 2017 and has received support for five years. The abbreviated announcement of this release is as follows:

MariaDB 10.2.19 Release Notes

MariaDB 10.2 is the previous stable series of MariaDB. It is an evolution of MariaDB 10.1 with several entirely new features not found anywhere else and with backported and reimplemented features from MySQL 5.6 and 5.7. MariaDB 10.2.19 will be a Stable (GA) release. Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB!

Notable Changes

  • innodb_safe_truncate system variable for a backup-safe TRUNCATE TABLE implementation that is based on RENAME, CREATE, DROP (MDEV-14717, MDEV-14585, MDEV-13564)
    • Default value for this variable is ON
    • If you absolutely must use XtraBackup instead of Mariabackup, you can set it to OFF and restart the server
  • MDEV-17289: Multi-pass recovery fails to apply some redo log records
  • MDEV-17073: INSERT…ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE became more deadlock-prone
  • MDEV-17491: micro optimize page_id_t
  • MDEV-13671: InnoDB should use case-insensitive column name comparisons like the rest of the server
  • Fixes for indexed virtual columns: MDEV-17215, MDEV-16980
  • MDEV-17433: Allow InnoDB start up with empty ib_logfile0 from mariabackup –prepare
  • MDEV-12547: InnoDB FULLTEXT index has too strict innodb_ft_result_cache_limit max limit
  • MDEV-17541: KILL QUERY during lock wait in FOREIGN KEY check causes hang
  • MDEV-17532: Performance_schema reports wrong directory for the temporary files of ALTER TABLE…ALGORITHM=INPLACE
  • MDEV-17545: Predicate lock for SPATIAL INDEX should lock non-matching record
  • MDEV-17546: SPATIAL INDEX should not be allowed for FOREIGN KEY
  • MDEV-17548: Incorrect access to off-page column for indexed virtual column
  • MDEV-12023: Assertion failure sym_node->table != NULL on startup
  • MDEV-17230: encryption_key_id from alter is ignored by encryption threads
  • As per the MariaDB Deprecation Policy, this will be the last release of MariaDB 10.2 for Fedora 27
  • Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities:

For a complete list of changes made in MariaDB 10.2.19 with links to detailed information on each push, see the changelog

Version number 10.2.19
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Website MariaDB
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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