Download FreeBSD 4.8 stable

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On we read the happy news that as of yesterday version 4.8 of FreeBSD is officially stable. FreeBSD is an advanced BSD Unix based operating system. The new release improves support for modern hardware such as FireWire. Furthermore, the necessary security updates are of course implemented and the software is again a few bugs poorer. However, anyone who thought that version 4.8 would have all the features that appeared in version 5.0 will be disappointed:

This release does not include all of the new technologies that were introduced with FreeBSD 5.0 ​​in January. FreeBSD 4.X releases offer a more conservative platform than FreeBSD 5.0 ​​at this time. For more information about the distinctions between FreeBSD 4.X and 5.0, or for general information about the FreeBSD release engineering activities, please see : new version of FreeBSD is available to download from some FTP servers as usual. This is the official mirror.

Version number 4.8 stable
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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