Software Update: Drupal 7.0 RC4

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Drupal is a versatile content management system that works on a wide range of platforms. The program can be accessed via modules be provided with additional functionality and themes a different layout can be attached to the cms. For example, it is possible to maintain a news site, forum and/or collaboration site with Drupal. The developers have released version 7.0 RC4 with the following announcement:

Drupal 7.0 RC 4 Released

We are proud to present to you the fourth (and likely final) release candidate of Drupal 7.0. This is a bug fix release for some critical upgrade path issues.

  • We’re back down to 0 critical issues again!
  • We’ve announced a January 5 release date for Drupal 7!
  • There are release parties being thrown worldwide on January 7. Please set one up in your town! (tips)
  • So. It’s officially GO time for final testing!

    Since the last release candidate a week ago, we have fixed numerous bugs, including bugs with PostgreSQL and a critical issue with the password upgrade path which corrupts password hashes. Affected sites’ users will need to reset passwords after their second log-in. Sorry about that!

    For the full list of changes, see the release notes.

    The first alpha announcement provided a list of high level improvements made since Drupal 6.x, so in this announcement we’ll concentrate on how you can help ensure that Drupal 7 is released as soon as possible and is as rock solid as the previous Drupal releases that you’ve grown to love!

    There are a number of modules already ported to Drupal 7 for your testing pleasure. You can keep tabs on whether or not your site is ready for Drupal 7 by using the Upgrade Status module. If you are a translator, now is the time to start working on your translations. If you are a module or theme maintainer, now is the time to start working on the update to Drupal 7! Read on for more details.

    Version number 7.0 RC4
    Release status beta
    Operating systems script language
    Website Drupal
    License type GPL
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