Samsung wants to enable satellite communication on smartphones ‘next year’

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Samsung will enable emergency communications via satellites on smartphones ‘next year’. This was confirmed by a top executive of the company, Park Yong-in, during a keynote presentation. Although not mentioned, this feature is likely to be added to the S24 series.

During the Semiconductor Expo, Park Yong-in announced that the technical preparations to enable satellite communications on smartphones have already been completed, so writes the South Korean news publication Sisa Journal. From next year, Samsung phones must support this, the CEO says. More information is not being revealed, but since the S24 series will be released next year, it is likely that it will support two-way satellite communications. This feature allows users to contact emergency services even when there is no coverage or WiFi.

Several smartphone manufacturers have already added a satellite emergency function. For example, Apple has introduced the SOS emergency notification function from the iPhone 14 series and Huawei has built something similar into a number of Mate and Nova models. CAT can also send messages via satellites with the S75. Samsung announced at the beginning of this year that satellite communication was not yet a possibility with the S23, because the technology was not yet ready for it.

The SOS emergency notification feature on the iPhone 14

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