Samsung is working on technology to use hand lines for password hints

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Samsung seems to be working on a technique to use hand lines to show password hints. The South Korean manufacturer has filed a patent application for it. It is unclear what the technology will be used for.

The patent bears the curious name Electronic Device And Method For Electronic Device. Despite that meaningless title, opened the patent. It found a new technology that Samsung is developing.

The technology works because the phone shows the password hint as a few dashes on the screen. The only way to see letters in there is to correctly visualize the hand so that the dashes on the screen and the lines in the hand together form the letters. Those letters are the password hint. Unfortunately, the software does not seem to be able to read the life course lines and unfortunately you cannot cancel your visit to the fortune teller at the fair.

It is unknown what Samsung would like to use the technology for. Phone and RTL’s tech publication Bright seem to think that users can unlock their phone with it, but that looks clumsy and unsafe. GalaxyClub insists it can only be used as a password hint. Be that as it may, patents are no guarantee that a technology will actually be incorporated into future devices. Now we are not fortune tellers, but we see little indication in our handline that we can ever use this.

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