Microsoft updates Xbox 360 operating system

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Microsoft has updated the Xbox 360 software to version 2.0.17544.0. The 2005 game console OS has received some minor bug fixes and ‘other improvements’.

Microsoft released OS version 2.0.17544.0 Wednesday without revealing many details about the release other than “minor bug fixes and improvements.” The penultimate update that Microsoft released for the Xbox 360 dates from May 22, 2018 and the previous update from March 2016. Also in those cases were minor bug fixes.

Microsoft started selling the Xbox 360 in 2005. In April 2016, the company stopped production of the successful game console, but Microsoft still supports the device. In the ten years that Microsoft produced the Xbox 360, eight different hardware revisions appeared.

In 2013, Microsoft announced the successor to the Xbox 360, the Xbox One. The successor to that Xbox generation will be released next year. Microsoft is working on that under the name Project Scarlett.

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