Microsoft makes Entity Framework open source

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Microsoft has released Entity Framework, an object relationship mapper, under an open source license. The software giant is also starting a new program to support the open source creation and maintenance of its software.

Scott Guthrie, vice president of Microsoft’s development division, makes announced on his weblog that the source code of Entity Framework has been released under the Apache 2.0 license and placed on CodePlex. Entity Framework is an object relationship mapper, software used in object oriented languages ​​to store and retrieve objects from a relational database. The team behind Entity Framework is finalizing version five and has the roadmap for version six revealed.

Microsoft has recently licensed more development software such as mvc, Web Api, and Razor. Simultaneously with the release of the source code of Entity Framework announces the software giant MS Open Tech Hub. Open Tech Hub is a program of subsidiary Microsoft Open Technologies and aims to support Microsoft teams in setting up and maintaining open source projects.

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