First DLC for MW2 contains three new maps

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The first map pack for Modern Warfare 2 will contain five additional maps, three of which are completely new. The dlc, called Stimulus Package, will be released on March 30 for Xbox 360 and later on the PS3 and PC.

The first pack of downloadable content for Modern Warfare 2 is called Stimulus Package. In addition to three completely new maps, two playing fields from Call of Duty 4 have been polished up to make their appearance again in Modern Warfare 2.

The dlc appears on March 30 for a limited time exclusively for the Xbox 360. PS3 and PC players will also have the opportunity to download Stimulus Package later this year. The price amounts 1200 MS Points, Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling reported on Xbox Live guru Major Nelson’s show.

The three new maps are called Bailout, Storm and Salvage. The first is situated in an apartment complex, where the height differences are an important factor. Storm is an industrial level, while Salvage is set in snow. Crash and Overgrown are taken from the first Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

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