Experts: TeslaCrypt ransomware now impossible to crack

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Version 3.0.1 of TeslaCrypt is virtually impossible to crack, according to security researchers. Previous versions of the ransomware had vulnerabilities, allowing decryption software to be created to rescue compromised systems.

Decryption tools such as TeslaCrack, Tesladecrypt and TeslaDecoder have no effect on systems infected with the latest version of the TeslaCrypt ransomware, Cisco’s Talos security team writes. A vulnerability in the way the encryption key was stored in previous versions of the ransomware allowed decryption kits to be created.

So far, there is no known method to decrypt systems infected with the new TeslaCrypt ransomware. On Talos’ blog, the research team describes in detail the improved encryption algorithm TeslaCrypt 3.0.1 uses.

Files on affected systems are encrypted by the ransomware, and the only way to undo it is to restore from a backup or pay the ransom, the researchers say. The Talos researchers see ransomware as the plague of the internet. TeslaCrypt is said to be in the top five of the most common ransomware.

The TeslaCrypt encryption process

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