Apple wants to release customizable Mac Pro next year

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Apple said in an interview that it will not release the new Mac Pro this year, but that it is aiming for a release in 2019. The company said earlier that the new version would be easy to upgrade, unlike the old one.

Apple announces the planning in an interview with TechCrunch . It says through marketing leader Tom Boger that the Mac Pro ‘is not a product for this year’. Boger says: “We want to be transparent and communicate openly with our pro-community and let them know that the Mac Pro is a product for 2019.” He adds that Apple is aware that people are deciding to purchase an iMac Pro whether the Mac version will be available soon.

According to TechCrunch, Apple has now created a so-called Pro Workflow team that is led by John Ternus, vice president of hardware engineering and who is engaged in the professional products of Apple. People from different creative professions work on workflows and look for bottlenecks explains Ternus. For example in the drivers, the OS or in the application itself. For example, it must be able to solve problems, but it also works on future products.

Boger tells the site that the team behind the Mac Pro still adheres to the ‘modular idea’. For example, the system’s adaptability would be important for some users. Apple announced a year ago that it is working on a new version of the Mac Pro. This would be a ‘complete reconsideration’ and the emphasis is on the simple implementation of upgrades. The current cylindrical variant would have problems in that area. Apple recently launched an iMacPro which has been available in the Benelux since the beginning of this year.

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