Apple releases OS X El Capitan on September 30

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Apple will release OS X El Capitan on September 30. The manufacturer has announced this. Meanwhile, the creator has also released a build that would be a candidate for Golden Master status, which is almost always the same as the version it releases.

After Wednesday night’s event, Apple has updated the OS X 10.11 site that reads “coming September 30.” The manufacturer also showed the release date at the demonstration of 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s, where an email from Apple CEO Phil Schiller contained the date September 30, noted GearLive, among others.

Meanwhile, people who participate in the public test of El Capitan receive an email that a build called GM Candidate is ready. Apple promises big improvements in performance in OS X 10.11, called El Capitan. For example, apps should load 40 percent faster, switching software should be twice as fast and opening a PDF in preview mode should be four times faster, Apple promises.

El Capitan – a place in Yosemite Park – also contains the necessary adjustments to the interface. For example, users who have lost their mouse pointer can move the mouse, after which the operating system indicates the location on the screen. Also, software can run in split screen, and Safari in El Capitan includes the option to see at a glance which tabs are making noise. Chrome includes a similar feature, but in OS X, all tabs can be muted at once. In addition, sites can be pinned in Safari, pinning them to the left side of the tab bar.

Finally, El Capitan includes the possibility to search in human language, for example in the file system, but also in the calendar app. What’s new is that Spotlight, OS X’s search function, can be undocked from the menu bar, allowing the window to be moved. The screen size can also be changed.

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