Android Anti-Theft App Maker Reports Database Hack

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Hackers have managed to access the database of the Android security app Cerberus. However, the attackers only managed to gain access to usernames and encrypted passwords. It concerns 96,564 accounts.

The company behind the anti-theft app Cerberus, LSDroid, sent an email to all affected users that they should choose a different password, even though the passwords were encrypted. The service used SHA-1 for encryption and the hashes have been salted several times. LSDroid now declares to migrate to bcrypt soon. Users can recover their password from the official website of the app. The hackers were unable to gain access to personal data such as device information and email addresses, claims LSDroid.

On Google+, the company provides some more information about the incident. In total, the data of 96,564 accounts has been stolen, and these account holders oblige LSDroid to change the passwords after a reset. The attackers actually logged into three accounts and LSDroid blocked all activity on these accounts. As far as is known, those responsible have not made the stolen data public.

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